Sommarkurser utomlands

Här presenteras sommarkurser som anordnas av våra partneruniversitet och inom andra samarbeten.

Kurserna kan vara inom medicin och hälsa, men även inom områden som till exempel språk, samhällskunskap och teknik. Du får en rolig och lärorik sommar!

Dessa kurser sker inte inom ramen för utbytesavtal och därmed kan det tillkomma avgifter för att delta. Kontakta respektive lärosäte/organisation för mer information. Karolinska Institutet tar inget ansvar för innehållet.

Nord- och sydamerika


Universidad del Rosario arrangerar en del sommarkurser i år, bl.a. Methods in the Development of Synthetic Vaccines och Primary Health Care in Colombia. Kurserna hålls på spanska. Läs mer och ansök online.


Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong bjuder in KI-studenter (läkare och biomedicin) att delta i sin sommarforskarskola (juni-augusti). Sista ansökningsdag är 28 februari. Sommarforskarskolan har ingen avgift, däremot kommer du att behöva betala en administrativ avgift, resa, boende och uppehälle. Information om forskningsprojekten inom området "Medicine". 



Köpenhamns universitet erbjuder flera sommarkurser inom medicin och hälsovetenskaper på engelska. Sista ansökningsdag är 1 april. 

Kurserna vid Århus universitet ges på engelska. Under sommaren  ges bl.a. kurserna "Clinical Global Infectious Disease" och "Healthy Entrepreneurship and Innovation", som KI-studenter får delta i utan att betala kursavgift (dock står du själv för boende, resa och uppehälle). 


KI är med i nätverket Eurolife, vars medlemmar arrangerar flera sommarkurser runt om i Europa. Kurserna har olika inriktningar, går under olika perioder, har olika deadlines och kan kosta pengar som du står för själv. 


Vid Université Angers arrangeras flera sommarkurser såsom Bioinformatics, Simulation in Health Care och Vascular, på antingen franska eller engelska.

Summer school in Oncology and Dermatology held from June 24th to July 5th, 2024 in the city of  Toulouse. Université de Toulouse.


7th Bonn Brain³ Conference: States – Behaviour, Neural Circuits and Codes: 19-21 August 2024

Hosted by the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, in collaboration with the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) and the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior – caesar. The meeting will be kicked-off at the LVR – Landesmuseum Bonn for Archeology, Culture and Arts and continue at the Venusberg Campus of the University Clinic Bonn. This is a collaboration within our NeurotechEU alliance in which KI is a member.

Embark on a three-day intellectual journey held in a lively urban area, facilitating the formation of scientific communities with enduring collaborations and friendships. The conference program showcases a diverse array of speakers and discussion leaders from esteemed institutions worldwide, concentrating on the latest developments in the field. In addition to these premier talks, BonnBrain³ provides dedicated time for poster sessions and a students’ organized symposium offering individuals at all career stages the opportunity for networking and presenting their research.

BonnBrain³ 2024 undertakes an interdisciplinary approach to explore the intricate interplay of brain and body states, neural networks and behavior. Individual sessions feature presentations from international experts in the areas of circuit and behavior evolution, the role of network, brain and body states in different behaviors as well as computational neuroscience. The conference integrates diverse scientific backgrounds, encouraging discussions among participants whose paths might not normally cross.

BonnBrain³ hopes to serve as a convergence point for diverse perspectives, promising to illuminate some of the most challenging and fascinating questions about the brain’s workings.

Karolinska Institutet is awarding 10 stipends à 10.000 sek per participant to attend this scholarship. Please send your CV, Motivation Letter and Transcript of record (only PDF files) to no later than April 15th. After our internal assessment, the 10 strongest applicants will be able to register in the conference and receive the stipend from KI. Deadline to apply for the conference in Bonn is May 19th 2024. For further inforamtion please visit this page.


Together with partners in Italy, the UK and the US, KI arranges a Summer School on Modern Methods in Biostatistics and Epidemiology in Treviso this summer. The course is aimed for students with a strong interest in biostatistics and epidemiology.


Sommarkurser i Groningen för (bio)medicinstudenter inom bl.a. global hälsa, pediatrik, biobanking och transplantationsmedicin.

Radboud Summer School i Nijmegen erbjuder flera kurser inom området "Health Care", såsom Brain Imaging Genetics, Stress & Cognition and Ultrasonography in Anesthesiology.

The Erasmus Summer Programme in Rotterdam focuses on key principles and methods of quantitative medical research. Open to students and health professionals, it provides essential updates in a range of applied medical and healthcare disciplines. 

UMC Utrecht Summer School arrangerar flera internationella sommarkurser inom medicin, globalhälsa och hälsovetenskap.


Amgen Scholars Programme 

ETH Zurich offers 11 scholarships for a summer research stay within the Amgen Scholars Programme. The programme applies to students studying for a Bachelor’s degree at a European university.

A closing highlight of the programme is the joint symposium for all European Amgen Scholars in Cambridge, UK.

In addition to conducting hands-on research, as an Amgen Scholar at ETH you will attend workshops and events offering both insights into state-of-the art research and the opportunity to learn cross-cutting skills such as communication, scientific writing and intercultural skills. 

Application starts from November 1 and lasts until February 1.

Student Summer Research Fellowship 

The Student Summer Research Fellowship (ETH SSRF) programme offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to gain their first research experience in an area of their choice. The fellowship provided by the Computer Science Department of ETH Zurich takes place during two summer months and is open to all students worldwide. 


One week course in Paliative Care at the University of Ljubljana. Apply before 15 May.


Spendera sommaren i klassiska Cambridge. Kurser ges bl.a. inom immunology, psychology, microbiology. Dessutom finns möjlighet att söka "English for academic purposes" och "IELTS Preparation course".

King's College London arrangerar flera kurser inom hälsovetenskaper.

Queen Mary University of London erbjuder sommarkurser i bland annat Global Health. Som KI-student har du 10% rabatt på kursavgiften.

University of Kent ger en sommarkurs i English and communication skills for healthcare practitioners. Stipendier kan sökas genom universitetet.


Genom IS Düsseldorf kan du söka både en sommarkurs för nybörjare i tyska och/eller praktikplats i Tyskland. Praktikplatser finns för studenter inom fysioterapi, logopedi och medicin. Ansök senast 15 april.
