För studenter på kursen Inflammatory diseases/Klinisk rotation, Inflammationssjukdomar 6,0 hp kurskod 2EE073

A four week clinical rotation with in-depth studies on chronic inflammation and autoimmunity. The focus will be on rheumatic diseases and other chronic inflammatory diseases with an interdisciplinary approach both in the diagnostic procedures and during treatment and follow up. Theoretical lectures will be mixed with clinical training. The lectures will encompass basic immunology and inflammation with relevance for autoimmune diseases as well as disease characterist.


Overarching aim

The aim of the course is that the student should acquire knowledge, skills and understanding within the field of chronic inflammatory diseases.

Learning outcomes

After completion of the course, the student should:
- be able to recognise, describe, diagnose common chronic inflammatory diseases and less common but important chronic inflammatory diseases and autoimmune diseases.
- be able to read up on the treatment of common chronic inflammatory diseases.
- know the diagnostic methods that are available within the field.
- be able to examine the musculoskeletal system for identification of e.g. arthritis and deformities.
- be able to carry out a knee joint puncture, arthrocentesis for aspiration of synovial fluid, and injection of corticosteroids.
- act respectfully towards patients, students, teachers and staff and take active responsibility for learning.

Course description

The main focus is on clinical practice with patient-based teaching and individual feedback, to facilitate further development of skills. The students receive a timetable for participation at clinical activities at the Karolinska University Hospital, and will be given the opportunity to attend lectures and clinical rotations at one or more different units within the field of internal medicine, such as rheumatology, pulmonary diseases, dermatology, gastroenterology and nephrology. 

Teaching methods

Primarily work-based education, with personal supervision. The students will be given the opportunity to actively participate in patient care, depending on their previous experience and knowledge. The students must note down their reflections on the patients they have met, as well as search and evaluate relevant scientific articles according to evidence-based medicine principles. The course includes theoretical lectures and seminars intermingled with auscultations at the different units. The theoretical part includes introductory lectures over the different disease areas that are included in the course, as well as basic immunology and clinical immunology including autoantibodies. The rotation takes part under continuous supervision by physicians at the different units.

Auscultations will take place at inpatient wards and/or outpatient clinics. The students will attend case-based seminars and lectures on diagnostics and treatment of common and less common inflammatory diseases, as well as the underlying immunological pathways in the respective diseases. The students will be given the opportunity to be taught how to examine joints by a patient partner with rheumatic disease, as well as how to perform a knee joint puncture on an artificial knee model.

Teaching will be performed in English. Students are scheduled 40 hours per week, during which time is allocated for literature studies.

Teaching in evenings and at night may occur.



The course including clinical placements will be held at in-patient wards and/or out-patient clinics at the New Karolinska Solna and/or Karolinska Huddinge.







Profile image

Ioannis Parodis

Course coordinator
Rana Abu-Ali