Facade Aula Medica Foto: Ulrich Schulte

Community- and Home Based Rehabilitation - Cultural Perspectives

Community- and Home Based Rehabilitation are two concepts that strives to achieve access for individuals with disabilities to have the same access to rehabilitation, healthcare, education and employment as other citizens in society.

About the course

The CHBR-course is an interprofesional course held in English. It takes place around May/June every year.


The overall goal is that the course participant should, on completion of the course be able to:

  • define and present central concepts in the field of community rehabilitation (CBR) and home-based rehabilitation (HBR).
  • integrate and describe these concepts in a global context, focusing on assessments and interventions in the home, neighbourhood and community
  • identify and describe population demographics, service in the health care system and how rehabilitation in the home and in society is delivered
  • recognize and describe the care and rehabilitation from the context of different countries and compare and reflect in relation to the population in a global context.
  • identify and describe cross-professional and international perspectives on living and health of different ages
  • describe different assessments, interventions and evaluations that are relevant in community- and homebased reahbilitation
  • identify, present and discuss ethical dilemmas in relation to community- and homebased reahbilitation
  • have knowledge and understand World Health organizations´s (WHO) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG´s)

Course set-up

During the course you will have both live-lectures and pre-recorded lectures and the aim of the course is to strengthen your knowledge from different interprofessional, international and cultural perspectives.

You will have theory and practice of how to design, solve and evaluate the effects of rehabilitative measures in both home and community. The course also include work with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG´s) from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

The course ends up in a final assignment where you write an individual CBR or HBR project plan.

Time and place

The course runs from April 29th until May 31st during the spring term of 2024.


15 000 SEK, which equals approximately 1 940 Canadian Dollars. 

Course instructors

Mandana Fallah Pour, Course Director
Email: mandana.fallahpour@ki.se

Susanne Guidetti, Examiner
Email: susanne.guidetti@ki.se

More information

Sandra Lannergren, project coordinator, Karolinska Institutet Executive and Professional Education

Email: sandra.lannergren@ki.se


This course is offered as contract education. Thus, the courses can be commissioned only by a legal entity - an organisation, company or the equivalent. Payment from individuals is not allowed according to Swedish regulations. The purchasing organisation must be specified on the application form.

Before a course registration is made, the immediate manager must approve the course registration. In direct connection with the registration, a confirmation is sent to the course participant. The immediate manager also receives a link via e-mail where he/she needs to approve the registration. Before the start of the course, practical information is sent to the course participant via the e-mail specified in the registration.

Registration is binding. In case of cancellation later than six (6) weeks before the course starts, 50 percent of the course fee will be charged, and in case of cancellation later than three (3) weeks before the course starts, the full course fee will be charged.

The terms and conditions that apply to executive and professional education at KI can be found here.

Kort om kursen

När: -
Pris: 15 000 kr
Sista anmälningsdagen: