Marlene läser Kandidatprogrammet i Biomedicin
Marlene är en internationell student från Tyskland. Vi passade på att fråga henne om hur det är att gå på programmet.

Why did you choose to study the Bachelor’s Programme in Biomedicine?
– I have always been interested in medicine, but I knew I did not want to work in a hospital. I like that there are a lot of different career options after an education in biomedicine. This programme provides a great base for career paths in health sciences and health politics.
Why did you choose to study at KI?
– I chose KI because of its great reputation in science and education, the modern and beautiful campus, and the international working environment.
What do you like the most with the programme?
– I like that even during university, we gain a lot of practical work experience. Next to that, I love that most of our teachers are researchers themselves, are enthusiastic about science and are always happy to help us with internships.
What does a normal day at the programme look like?
– Usually, I am always on campus. You either have lectures, seminars, group projects or laboratories. There is always a long lunch break that you can spend with your friends. I study a bit in the afternoon and then I join Idrottsutskottet MF with one of their weekly activities. (altered during COVID-19)
How is the blend of national and international students in your class?
– I would say that approximately 80% of my class are international students and 20% come from Sweden. This is great because, in addition to all the new international friendships, you also get to be a part of the Swedish student life.
What has been the biggest challenge so far?
– I think the chemistry courses in the first two semesters were quite tough. During those months, I really studied a lot and was very focused. All in all, it works out well if you study enough.
What do you want to do in the future?
– I would like to pursue a Master’s degree in public/global health and epidemiology. I am interested in several key public health issues, including how to make health systems more effective in low-income countries. With further education, I hope to contribute to improvement of human health on a global scale.
Do you have any advice for people that are thinking of studying this programme?
– If you are thinking of studying in this programme, you should be interested in medical science and be confident in reading and speaking English. In addition, you should want to study in an international environment where many cultures come together in a classroom. You don’t necessarily have to work in a laboratory after you have finished this programme, and there is a ton of career options waiting for you!