För studenter på kursen Examensarbete i medicin - Diplom för bästa uppsats kurskod 2LK028

Diplom för bästa exjobb termin för termin


Diplom för bästa uppsats VT24

Diplom för bästa exjobb VT24 har tilldelades följande studenter och handledare


Frida Rehn och handledare Isabell Brikell (MEB)

Titel: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and migraine: Exploring causality in a national sample of siblings and twins

Motivering: For a well-written, structured report with insightful analysis and interpretation


Hanna Berg och handledare Katja Wyss (MedS)

Titel: Screening for malaria, strongyloidiasis and schistosomiasis in fertile and pregnant women from sub-Saharan Africa - A cross-sectional study 

Motivering: For a comprehensive analysis of parasitic infections in a vulnerable population, employing a robust study design that provides significant implications for public health in Sweden


Tyra Hasselrot och handledare Kristina Broliden (MedS)

Titel: Transcriptional profiling of the vaginal mucosa during candida infection reveals signs of immune activation and decreased epithelial integrity

Motivering: For integrating transcriptomic analyses with clinical insights, providing valuable contributions to understanding the molecular underpinnings of vaginal candidiasis and its broader health implications

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT23

Diplom för bästa exjobb HT23 har tilldelades följande studenter och handledare


Johan Melin och handledare Julie Lasselin (CNS)

Titel: The role of healthcare provider behavior on pain symptoms, sickness symptoms and fever -  A randomized controlled trial using experimental endotoxemia in young healthy individuals

Motivering: For carrying out a rigorous single-blinded randomized controlled trial exploring the impact of caregiver behavior on patients' perceptions of pain and sickness with findings that challenge existing assumptions and previous research


Natasha Löfvenberg och handledare Björn Nordlund (KBH)

Titel: Infant salivary cortisol levels and risk of allergic sensitization in early childhood - An explorative birth cohort study

Motivering: For a well performed epidemiological study on the association between cortisol and development of allergic sensitization


Axel Ryding och handledare Ida Karlsson (MEB)

Titel: Metabolic health in genetically predisposed versus environmentally driven overweight and obesity

Motivering: For carrying out a thorough analysis of a large study, investing if genetically predisposed versus environmentally driven overweight and obesity differ in associations with metabolic health biomarkers

Diplom för bästa uppsats VT23


Diplom för bästa exjobb VT23 har tilldelats följande student och handledare:


Albin Camitz och handledare James Tribble (CNS)

Titel: Determining potential of valproic acid to suppress inflammation of Müller glial cells

Motivering: For a well conducted and well written study with likely clinical implication on the potential of valproic acid to suppress inflammation of Müller glial cells

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT22


Diplom för bästa exjobb HT22 har tilldelats följande studenter och handledare:


Sofia Dinh och handledare Christina Carlander (MedH)

Titel: Assessing the Risk of Kaposi Sarcoma in People Living with HIV in Sweden - A Nation-wide Population-based Study

Motivering: For a well performed and well-written study on a rare malignancy with a through discussion and a relevant clinical application


Kathy Liu och handledare Martin Glimåker (MedS)

Titel: Predictors of unfavorable outcome in patients with acute bacterial meningitis requiring neurointensive treatment - A retrospective cohort study

Motivering: For a comprehensive assessment of the factors that can anticipate unfavorable outcomes in patients diagnosed with acute bacterial meningitis and in need of neurointensive care


Arooj Arfan och handledare Enric Llorens  (CMB)

Titel: Epigenome Editing to Reactivate Developmental Neurogenic Genes in the Adult Mouse Spinal Cord

Motivering: For developing a comprehensive strategy aimed at reactivating neurogenic genes within resident stem cells, thereby facilitating the identification of therapeutic genes that could potentially promote adult neurogenesis


Tilda Agild och handledare Sara Öberg (MEB)

Titel: Efficacy of Assisted Reproductive Techniques in Women with Inflammatory Bowel Disease - A nationwide study based on Swedish registries

Motivering: For a thorough executed register study on assisted reproduction in women with Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Karin Wallin och handledare Eric Thelin (CNS)

Titel: Post-traumatic headache is not a predictor of intracranial lesions in patients with mild traumatic brain injury

Motivering: For an interesting study on whether headache should be used as an indicator for computer tomography after mild traumatic brain injury

Diplom för bästa uppsats VT22

Diplom för bästa exjobb VT22 har tilldelades följande studenter och handledare:


Gustav Lundvall och handledare Dorota Religa (NVS)

Titel: Sex Difference in Mortality in Geriatric COVID-19 Patients - A Register-based Cohort Study of Stockholm Geriatric Clinics

Motivering: For a well written and thoroughly conducted study of sex differences in geriatric covid-19 patients


Alexander Sun Zhang och handledare Svetlana Bajalica Lagercrantz (OnkPat)

Titel: Characterization of Heritable TP53-Related Cancer Syndromes in Sweden - A Retrospective Nationwide Study of Genotype-Phenotype Correlations

Motivering: For a novel and detailed characterization of TP53-related cancer syndromes in Sweden


Josefin Hedström och handledare Ida Bergman (KI SöS)

Titel: Risk factors associated with wound dehiscence after second-degree perineal tears - A case-control study

Motivering: For a novel and detailed assessment of risk factors for wound dehiscence after second-degree perineal tears


Malin Granbom Koski och handledare Ulrik Sartipy (MMK)

Titel:  Sex differences in clinical long-term outcomes after surgical aortic valve replacement in Sweden

Motivering: For a sophisticated analysis and meticulously performed study on sex differences in clinical long-term outcomes after surgical aortic valve replacement


Vera Zirn och handledare Marie Jeansson (MedH)

Titel:  Anatomical location of PDGFRα and PDGFRβ expressing mesenchymal cell populations in mouse

kidney health and disease

Motivering: For a state-of-the art preclinical study on cellular processes in kidney fibrosis


Gustav Joas och handledare Karin Loré (MedS)

Titel:  Transcriptomic signatures of early innate immune response elicited by mRNA vaccination

Motivering: For a promising and well discussed study on vaccine-induced immune responses in Covid-19 naïve and infected persons

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT21

Diplom för bästa exjobb HT21 har tilldelades följande studenter och handledare


Josefine Thorwaldson och handledare Susanna Ranta (KBH)

Titel: High-dose methotrexate pharmacokinetics and risk factors for delayed excretion in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia; focus on body mass index

Motivering: For elegant rejection of a reasonable hypothesis and for the clinically important results on chemotherapeutic toxicity in childhood leukemia


Rania Ouahrani och handledare Björn Salomonsson (KI DS)

Titel: Mid-term implant survival and patient-reported outcome measures in stemless, short-stemmed and stemmed shoulder arthroplasty

Motivering: For a well-conducted assessment of implant survival of primary anatomical shoulder arthroplasty using the Swedish Shoulder Arthroplasty Registry


Emelie Norrman och handledare Gustav Stålhammar (CNS)

Titel: Presence of Micrometastases of Uveal Melanoma in Autopsy Material

Motivering: For a small but unique study with carefully considered results regarding the pathobiology of metastatic uveal melanoma


Hanna Tengelin och handledare Lydia Kahn (OnkPat)

Titel: Different causes of fatal anaphylaxis – epidemiological trends and variance in postmortem signs

Motivering: For a novel and detailed assessment of epidemiological traits and postmortem findings in anaphylactic deaths due to different causative agents


Amanda Wikström och handledare Mwenya Mubanga (MEB)

Titel: The Association Between Asthma and Type 2 Diabetes in Women and Siblings – A Swedish Register-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Motivering: For a well-conducted and well-written study about the association between asthma and type 2 diabetes in women and siblings


Diplom för bästa uppsats VT21

Diplom för bästa exjobb VT21 har tilldelades följande studenter och handledare


Caspar Epstein Henriksson och handledare Therese Djärv (MedS)

Titel: Thrombolysis in Patients with Pulmonary Embolism and In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest - A Retrospective Cohort Study

Motivering: For a well-conducted and clearly written thesis exploring if thrombolysis is associated with favourable outcome after cardiac arrest in pulmonary embolism patients.


Klara Fröberg och handledare Poya Ghorbani (CLINTEC)

Titel: Outcome after total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation - A single-center retrospective cohort study

Motivering: For a well-written thesis on outcome after total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation


Moa Karmefors Idvall och handledare Pontus Naucler (MedS)

Titel: A Fully Automated Surveillance Algorithm for Central Venous Catheter-related Bloodstream Infection

Motivering: For the well-discussed development and validation of an automated surveillance algorithm for catheter-borne bloodstream infections


Irene Kessler och handledare Sara Tehrani (KIDS)

Titel: Microvascular function of patients with severe and critical COVID-19 - A prospective pilot study

Motivering: For an impressive study on skin microvascular reactivity in COVID-19.


Eric Åhlberg och handledare Anna Smed Sörensen (MedS)

Titel: Associations between cytokine expression and COVID-19 disease severity

Motivering: For a well-presented prospective study on cytokine levels in COVID-19 patients

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT20

Diplom för bästa exjobb HT20 har tilldelades följande studenter och handledare


Katarina Sasic och handledare Karin Blomqvist (MTC):

 Titel: Characterization and improved diagnostics of the emerging pathogen Streptococcus pseudopneumoniae

Motivering: For a well-written preclinical study investigating the frequency of the emerging pathogen S. pseudopneumoniae in Mitis group of streptococci clinical strains


Aline Wartanian och handledare Robert Edfors (KI DS):

Titel: DOAC versus Warfarin in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation and stage IV-V chronic kidney disease: A meta-analysis study

Motivering: For a proficiently performed and presented systematic meta-review covering a clinically important inquiry into anticoagulant therapy


Andreas Ekholm och handledare Mattias Rantalainen (MEB):

Titel: AI based breast cancer diagnostics: Prediction of proliferation-associated gene expression from morphological patterns in routine histopathology slides

Motivering: For an elegant development and presentation of how machine learning can be applied to and improve molecular cancer pathology and prognostication


Jacob Strålmark och handledare Jan Jakobsson (KI DS):

Titel: The effects on early recovery of gabapentin premedication as part of multi-modal analgesia for colorectal surgery following the ERAS pathway - A register-based quality of care study at Danderyds hospital                 

Motivering: For thorough and actionable quality assessment of clinical routines regarding gabapentin as preoperative medication in colorectal surgery


Anna Petersson och handledare Åsa Hallqvist Everhov (KI SöS):

Titel: Increased risk of peripheral vascular disease in young patients after uterine cervical cancer treatment

Motivering: For a clinically relevant thesis on late complications to treatment of cervix cancer with a mature discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the study.


Hevgin Alagündüz och handledare Maria Bruzelius     (MedS):

Titel: Risk factors for recurrent thrombosis and cause of death in patients with the Antiphospholipid syndrome                  

Motivering: For an elegant and concise presentation of an important clinical study on risk factors for recurrent thrombosis in the antiphospholipid syndrome

Diplom för bästa uppsats VT20

Diplom för bästa exjobb VT20 har tilldelades följande studenter och handledare


Araz Haddadi och handledare Samuel Rhedin (MEB):

Titel: Neonatal complicationsas risk-factors for community-acquired pneumonia in children A Swedish nation-wide register-based cohort study                     

Motivering: For elaborate and well propounded identification of neonatal risk factors associated with community-acquired pneumonia in childhood.


Robin Ebbestad och handledare Sigrid Lundberg (KIDS):

Titel: The Role of Hematuria in the Prediction of Renal Outcome in IgA Nephropathy             

Motivering: For a well-performed study evaluating microhematuria as a risk prediction factor for renal outcome in IgA Nephropathy patients.


Valentina Gustafsson och handledare Vladimer Darsalia (KISöS):

Titel: Impaired neurogenesis as mechanism of reduced stroke recovery in Type 2 Diabetes        

Motivering: For an intriguing and carefully performed preclinical study on impairment of neurogenesis and stroke recovery in a T2D context, and pharmacological mitigation thereof


Anton Berggren och handledare Per Nordberg (MedS):

Titel: Socioeconomic status and its association with bystander interventions in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests

Motivering: For a clearly written thesis on the importance of socioeconomic factors for bystander treatment in out of hospital cardiac arrest.

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT19 

Diplom för bästa exjobb HT19 har tilldelades följande studenter och handledare 


Lydia Alqass och handledare Daniel C Andersson (FyFa): 

Titel: Role of reactive oxygen species in beta-adrenergic stress-induced cardiomyopathy  

Motivering: For a well-written study on beta-adrenergic stress signaling pathways in the heart. 


Hanna Olsson och handledare David Forsberg (KBH): 

Titel: A Physiomarker for Early Detection of Infectious Events in Newborn Infants 

Motivering: For an interesting study demonstrating that neonatal sepsis can be predicted by a vital sign physiomarker. 


Nora Norén och handledare Gianluigi Savarese (MedS): 

Titel: Factors associated with advanced heart failure across the ejection fraction spectrum 

Motivering: For a well-conducted study investigating patient characteristics associated with advanced heart failure 


Oona Huopaniemi och handledare Lisa Villabona (OnkPat): 

Titel: Analysis of the management of immunotherapy-derived adverse events in the Stockholm region 

Motivering: For a thorough analysis of management and side effects of immunotherapy in cancer treatment 


Rickard Purnell och handledare Sahar Salehi (KBH): 

Titel: Diaphragmatic resection as part of cytoreductive surgery in advanced ovarian cancer  

Motivering: For a well-performed study on surgical morbidity in advanced ovarian cancer 


Vendela Brismar och handledare Christopher Sundling (MedS): 

Titel: Antibody V(D)J Sequence Composition in B-cells Following Infection with Plasmodium falciparum Malaria - A comparison of CD11c+ B-cells and CD11c– B-cells 

Motivering: For a detailed investigation of the molecular mechanisms of immunity to malaria 

Diplom för bästa uppsats VT19

Diplom för bästa exjobb VT19 tilldelades följande studenter och handledare i samband med examinationsveckan i januari 2021:


Daniela Duchens Harnisch och handledare Per Svensson (KI SÖS):

Titel: Different diagnostic performance of HEART score in women and men with chest pain at the emergency department

Motivering: For a thoroughly conducted study highlighting the differences between the sexes in the risk assessment of emergency room patients with chest pain


Cecilia Liu och handledare Li Felländer-Tsai (CLINTEC):

Titel: Trends in the Use of Knee Arthroscopy in Sweden between 2002-2016 - A Population-based Nationwide Study

Motivering: For a well-balanced exploration and analysis of change of practice after new national guidelines in Sweden for treatment of knee osteoarthritis patients        


Fredrika Hellgren och handledare Karin Loré (MedS):

Titel: Characterizing immune responses to a novel mRNA vaccine

Motivering: For a stringent experimental evaluation of the immune response to an mRNA vaccine compared to a standard vaccine        


Victor Kaleta och handledare Ellika Andolf (KIDS):

Titel: Biomarkers of insulin resistance and correlation with intake of fruits and vegetables in women with and without previous pre-eclampsia 11 to 16 years after index pregnancy.          

Motivering: For a well-founded study on the long-term risk and risk factors for developing prediabetes after a pre-eclamptic pregnancy


Sami El Amrani och handledare Carl Johan Sundberg (LIME):

Titel: Computerized history-taking to determine HEART score on chest pain patients in the Emergency Department         

Motivering: For thorough quality work evaluation of digital self-reported history-taking of emergency room patients with chest pain


Ellen Von Horn och handledare Christopher Sundling (MedS):

Titel: Differences in plasma cytokine concentrations in individuals with tropical fevers. A Comparison of Bacteria, Parasites and Viruses

Motivering: For a well-conducted and clearly written thesis about identifying potential markers to improve diagnostics for tropical infections

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT18

Diplom för bästa exjobb HT18 tilldelades följande studenter och handledare i samband med examinationsveckan i juni 2020:


Frida Ottosson och handledare Per Svensson (KI SÖS):

Titel: Education level association to presentation of chest pain and risk profile in the emergency department

Motivering: For a well-conducted and well-written study with important clinical implications for identifying risk factors for patients with acute coronary syndrome and chest pain at the emergency department


Johannes Mofors och handledare Marie Wahren-Herlenius (MedS):

Titel: Cardiovascular disease in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome

Motivering: For an interesting and well-written study reporting on the use of specific autoantibodies as biomarkers for monitoring and prevention of cardiovascular disease in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome


Zakarias Thorin och handledare Nitya Jayaram-Lindström (CNS):

Titel: Inc Effect of childhood maltreatment on cognitive functions in alcohol use disorder

Motivering: For an altogether well-structured and unique study on childhood maltreatment and cognitive functions in alcohol use disorder


Anna Larsson  och handledare Volkan Özenci (LABMED):

Titel: Sepsis - A Prospective Clinical Study of Blood Culture Optimization - A comparison of sampling strategies

Motivering: For a careful analysis and comparison of two blood culture sampling strategies in diagnosis of sepsis  


Johan Hellquist och handledare Niklas Juth (LIME):

Titel: Psychiatrists’ motives for compulsory care of patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) – a questionnaire study

Motivering: For a well-balanced exploration and analysis of Swedish psychiatrists´ motivations for compulsory care of patients with borderline personality disorder


Nelly Pater och handledare Hannes Hagström (MedH):

Titel: Prognosis of patients with liver cirrhosis

Motivering: For a thorough study on etiology and mortality in cirrhosis as well as on the predictive capacity of two prognostic scoring systems.

Diplom för bästa uppsats VT18

Diplom för bästa exjobb VT18 tilldelades följande studenter och handledare i samband med examinationsveckan i januari 2020:


Fritiof Andersson Fenger-Krog och handledare Jan Jakobsson (KIDS):

Titel: The impact of tidal volume and respiratory rate on the wash-in and wash-out time for sevoflurane, a test-lung study

Motivering: For an interesting and well-conducted study, using a test-lung system to develop a model of lung-protective tidal volumes, with potential clinical implications for surgical patients


Niklas Almqvist och handledare Michael Mazya (CNS):

Titel: Differentiating between intracerebral hemorrhage and contrast medium following intravenous thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke – a novel use of dual-energy computed tomography

Motivering: For an elegant and well-written study, suggesting that dual energy computed tomography decreases the risk of false-positive diagnosis of hemorrhage in patients with ischemic stroke


Lise Lord och handledare Anders Stålman (MMK):

Titel: Incidence and causes of reoperation within two years after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.

Motivering: For a well-conducted and clearly written thesis reporting on the incidence and most common causes of reoperation after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction


Nora Takada Wigzell  och handledare Mark Taylor (MEB):

Titel: Examining the association between congenital malformations and autism spectrum disorder: A population-based cohort study on individuals born in Sweden 1987-2009

Motivering: For a well-conducted and well-written study elucidating the hypothesized association between congenital anomalies and autism spectrum disorder             


Victor Dahlström och handledare Miriam Mosing (Neuro):

Titel: The relationship between loneliness, social isolation and mortality in two large, independent and genetically informative cohorts of older twins

Motivering: For a complex study on relationships between loneliness, social isolation and mortality in two cohorts of twins


Sara Tsoref och handledare Jennie Engstrand (KIDS):

Titel: Long-term survival after microwave ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma    

Motivering: For a well-presented study with clinical application on the use and effects of microwave ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma.


Erika Bengtsson och handledare Martin Gerdin (GPH):

Titel: Time to Computed Tomography is not Associated with Mortality in Adult Trauma Patients in an Urban Indian Setting

Motivering: For a careful analysis of the impact of timing of computed tomography on trauma patients in a low-to-middle-income setting

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT17

Diplom för bästa exjobb HT17 tilldelades följande studenter och handledare i samband med examinationsveckan i juni 2019:


Annelie Erdefelt och handledare Margareta Hedström (CLINTEC):

Titel: The association between BMI and 1-year mortality in elderly patients with hip fractures - An observational study on the BMI paradox

Motivering: For a clearly written thesis, with important clinical implications for identifying risk factors for hip fracture patients based on their BMI


Josefine Andrén och handledare Reidar Winter (KIDS):

Titel: Myocardial Work Index for identification of ischemia in patients undergoing stress echocardiography

Motivering: For a well-conducted and well-written study about the potential use of myocardial work index as a screening method for ischemia in patients undergoing stress echocardiography


Markus Hiding och handledare Anna Nilsson (KBH):

Titel: The effect of doxorubicin and bacterial supernatants on intestinal epithelial cell viability and cytokine production

Motivering: For a very well structured study reporting on cytokine-dependent pro-inflammatory responses in intestinal epithelial cells induced by the cytotoxic drug doxorubicin


Gabriele Inguscio och handledare Cesare Patrone (KISÖS):

Titel: Negative effects of palmitic acid on proliferation and survival rates of adult hypothalamic neural progenitor cells

Motivering: For an intriguing molecular study on neurogenesis in a setting of diabetic lipotoxicity 


Ajmal Khan och handledare Soo Aleman (MedH):

Titel: The risks for hepatocellular cancer, liver complications and death in patients with hepatitis C-induced cirrhosis after treatment with direct-acting antivirals, compared to interferon-based therapy

Motivering: For a well-structured study on risk factors and anti-viral treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma


Filippa Rydberg och handledare Joseph Carlson (OnkPat):

Titel: Molecular subgroups alone, identified with the ProMisE-model, do not improve survival prediction in a Swedish cohort of endometrial carcinomas

Motivering: For a thorough evaluation of a new molecular model for risk stratification in endometrial cancer  

Diplom för bästa uppsats VT17

Diplom för bästa exjobb VT17 tilldelades följande studenter och handledare i samband med examinationshögtiden 18 januari 2019:


Miranda Håkansson och handledare Marlene Makenzius (PHS):

Titel: Abortion and contraceptive use stigma – human rights vs. societal norms, a mixed methods study among health care providers in Kisumu, Kenya

Motivering: For a complex and intriguing study on how health care providers struggle between the rationale of human rights and the societal norms in Kenya, a country with a restrictive abortion law


Felix Berglund och handledare Per Tornvall (SÖS):

Titel: Depression among patients with myocardial infarction and normal coronary arteries

Motivering: For a very well structured study that emphasizes the importance of early recognition and treatment of depressive symptoms in patients with myocardial infarction


Sarah Engman och handledare Anna Witasp (CLINTEC):

Titel: Circulating angiopoietin-2 levels in relation to vascular disease and kidney function decline in Swedish patients with chronic kidney disease

Motivering: For a clearly written thesis exploring the role of the angiogenic factor ANGPT2 as a candidate biomarker of coronary calcification


Artor Pogosean och handledare Lisa Juntti-berggren (MMK):

Titel: Apolipoprotein CIII in Brain and Adrenal Gland in a Mouse Model of High Fat Diet Induced Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

Motivering: For a well-conducted and well-written study reporting on how targeting of ApoCIII can increase our understanding of neuro-metabolic disorders 


Mia Lööf och handledare Eva Wiberg Itzel (SÖS):

Titel: The association between maternal health and a fetus born with signs of severe hypoxia. Retrospective cohort study of deliveries in Stockholm 2013-2015

Motivering: For careful work and convincing reasoning with important clinical implications in obstetrics  

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT16

Diplom för bästa exjobb HT16 tilldelades följande studenter och handledare i samband med examinationshögtiden 1 juni 2018:


Besaf Pirmosa och handledare Cecilia Strömberg (CLINTEC):

Titel: Concomitant Extrahepatic Disease and Liver Metastases of Colorectal Cancer, - Influence on Survival and Treatment

Motivering: For a well-presented study on the consequences of different sites of metastasis in colon cancer in terms of prognosis, pathology and treatment options


Ramona Maria Sundström och handledare Andrea Foebel (MEB):

Titel: Association of fish consumption and dental amalgam fillings with dementia in Swedish twins

Motivering: For a well-conducted and well-written study reporting on how fish consumption can outweight negative effects of amalgam fillings in patients with dementia


Torkel Mattesson och handledare Eric Herlenius (KBH):

Titel: Astrocyte involvement in breathing and ventilatory responses

Motivering: For a complex and intriguing study on the neurophysiology of breathing


Hanna Mèjare Berggren och handledare Christian Olsson (MMK):

Titel: Validation and adjustment of Leipzig-Halifax Acute Aortic Dissection Type A Scorecard

Motivering: For a very well structured study with important clinical implications for stratifying patients in risk categories after acute aortic dissection type A surgery 


Anna Jerregård Skarby och handledare Thomas Casswall (CLINTEC):

Titel: Childhood-onset of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis - characteristic presentation, natural course and evaluation of predictive factors for progression of liver disease

Motivering: For a clearly written thesis on a clinically useful study improving the evaluation of predictive factors for primary sclerosing cholangitis

Diplom för bästa uppsats VT16 

Diplom för bästa exjobb VT16 tilldelades följande studenter och handledare vid examinationshögtiden i Aula Medica den 12 januari 2018:


Bernice Lindqvist och handledare Eric Rullman (LABMED):

Titel: Exploring the link between skeletal muscle and exercise capacity in severe heart failure through gene expression analysis

Motivering: For the novelty of using microarrays to evaluate a large network of genes expressed in skeletal muscle of patients with heart failure in relation to exercise capacity, demonstrated well-written with an appealing result section


Mareia Talvitie och handledare Joy Roy (MMK):

Titel: Relevance of localized hyperattenuation, mean attenuation and estimated mechanical stress in the intraluminal thrombus to predict growth and rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm

Motivering: For an extraordinary scientifically well conducted and presented study, identifying thrombus parameters at CT-scan to be used in clinical practice


Biying Huang och handledare Per Svensson (MedS):

Titel: Effects of cigarette smoking on cardiovascular-related protein profiles in two community-based cohort studies

Motivering: For a well-written report on a study of possible mechanisms of the detrimental effects of smoking, based on two community-based samples


Alvin Brodin och handledare Tobias Karlsson (Neuro):

Titel: The effects of nogo-66-receptor 1 overexpression on dendritic structure and plasticity in the mouse brain

Motivering: For an elegantly and clearly written thesis on a well-performed study on brain plasticity, where research ethics has been addressed in a nuanced and reflective manner


Övriga nominerade studenter var:

Anders Möller, Awad Smew, Einar Svensson, Karl Björkström, Lisa Ehrnstén, Maria Belikova, Richard Ågren och Tara Ahanian.

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT15

Diplom för bästa exjobb HT15 tilldelades följande studenter och handledare vid examinationshögtiden i Aula Medica den 1 juni 2017:


Emma Mattsson och handledare Per Tornvall (KISÖS):

Titel: Arg389Gly Polymorphism of the β1 Adrenergic Receptor in Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy

Motivering: For an elegantly presented cardiological study that combines data from registers, questionnaires and clinical samples into a conclusion that can be of clinical significance


Sara Meziani och handledare Linda Mellbin (MedS):

Titel: Mannose binding lectin – a key to understand the link between dysglycaemia and cardiovascular disease?

Motivering: For an elegant and well-written study elucidating the link between cardiovascular disease and dysglycaemia


Cecilia Lindeman och handledare Catarina Almqvist Malmros (MEB):

Titel: Increased risk of asthma with sensitization to pets and pollens in twin children

Motivering: For an interesting and well-conducted study that highlights the key role of environmental factors in asthma morbidity


Theodor Holmgren och handledare Claes Hultling (NVS):

Titel: The impact of Spinal Cord Injury on the ability to breastfeed

Motivering: For an important analysis with clinical implications for breastfeeding woman with a spinal cord injury


Fanni Yli-Äyhö och handledare Peter Radell (FyFa):

Titel: Ventilator associated pneumonias in a pediatric intensive care unit after otorhinolaryngological procedures and delayed extubation

Motivering: For an altogether well-structured and unique study that may help improve care for vulnerable pediatric patients


Övriga nominerade studenter var:

Axel Jägestedt, Antonia Fagerberg, Edvard Nilsson, Emma Abrahamsson, Hanna Wetterfall, Helena Sergel och Maren Maanja

Diplom för bästa uppsats VT15

Diplom för bästa exjobb VT15 tilldelades följande studenter och handledare vid examinationshögtiden i Aula Medica den 13 januari 2017:


Helena Nyberg och handledare Harald Brismar (CLINTEC):

Titel: Radiologiskt resultat efter primär total höftplastik jämförande minimalinvasivt och konventionellt snitt - En prospektiv randomiserad studie

Motivering: For a randomized controlled trial with potential clinical implications for patients with total hip arthroplasty


Anna Hall och handledare Anneli Björklund (MMK):

Titel: Well-being in Patients with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults - Effects of different treatment regimes

Motivering: For a well-conducted study that highlights clarity even when null-results are obtained


Melker Artborg och handledare Ann Charlotte Laska (DS):

Titel: Fasting blood glucose during the acute phase of minor stroke and transient ischemic attack among patients without known diabetes and its prognostic value

Motivering: For an interesting and well-written project with potential clinical implications for patients with minor stroke and TIA


Sofie Bergström och handledare Stefan Johansson (MedS):

Titel: Have congenital heart defects become less frequent over time among children with Down syndrome? - A population-based cohort study

Motivering: For a very clear flow from the aim/hypothesis to exploring the evidence and then a well-structured and critical discussion of the potential interpretations


Hanna Carr och handledare Anna-Karin Edstedt Bonamy (MedS):

Titel: Risk of heart failure in children and young adults born preterm

Motivering: For a well-written report about a carefully-planned and carefully-conducted research study. The standard of the language is very high and the report is very readable to non-experts.


Christine Takami Lageborn och handledare Karin Söderberg Löfdal (LABMED):

Titel: The effects of statins and angiotensin blocking agents in chronic liver diseases - A nationwide cohort study in Sweden

Motivering: For a well-conducted and well-written study with potential clinical implications for patients with chronic liver diseases. The context of the study and motivation for the research question was presented with excellent clarity.


Övriga nominerade studenter var:

Ellen Wisén, Cecilia Odhner, Oskar Johansson, Cecilia Holmberg, Sarah Ingemarsson, Joel Lovas, Angelica Joelsson, Daniel Nordqvist, Arvin Chireh och Vladislav Kha

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT14

Diplom för bästa exjobb HT14 tilldelades följande fem studenter och handledare vid examinationshögtiden i Aula Medica den 3 juni 2016:


Anton Modlitba och handledare Gustaf Edgren (MEB):

Titel: Hemoglobin concentration and risk of thrombosis

Motivering: For an interesting and well-conducted study with potential clinical implications in the risk assessment of thrombosis


Oliver von Olnhausen och handledare Gaston Schechtmann (CNS):

Titel: Decompressive Hemicraniectomy in Middle Cerebral Artery Infarction - Clinical Outcome and Predictive Factors

Motivering: For a very well structured and clearly written thesis about an important area within medical science


Jeanette Tour och handledare Eva Kosek (CNS):

Titel: The Role of Genetic Polymorphisms Affecting Opioid and Serotonin Signaling on Exercise-Induced Hypoalgesia in Fibromyalgia Patients

Motivering: For a thesis that balances both the pedagogic and scientific content, in an exemplary manner. In addition, the findings bear relevant clinical implications for the development of new therapeutics in the field of pain management. 


Malin Hansson och handledare Thomas Kahan (KI DS):

Titel: Blood pressure effects of renal denervation in resistant hypertension - A prospective cohort study in Stockholm

Motivering: For an interesting study with a well-structured and critical discussion that covers important methodological issues in cilinical research


Michael Persson och handledare Matthias Corbascio (MMK):

Titel: Short-term Complications after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting using Bilateral Internal Thoracic Arteries Compared to Single Internal Thoracic Artery Grafting

Motivering: For a well-written and important clinical register study. The results emphasize the importance of using the latest statistical techniques in register studies


Övriga nominerade var:

Beatrice Liljero, Elisabet Appelgren, Emelie Looft, Emelie Öberg, Emma Shanwell, Ida Widberg, Niklas Honkavaara, Rebecca Angeli, Wehazit Hailom och Victoria Hedlund

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT13


Diplom för bästa exjobb HT13 tilldelades följande fem studenter och handledare vid examinationshögtiden i Aula medica den 15 januari 2016:

Atosa Nejatian och handledare Per Svensson och Ashwin Prakash :

Titel: Reproducibility of aortic root measurements in patients with aortic dilatation - A comparison between transthoracic echocardiography and cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging

Motivering: For a fruitful collaboration project, well-conducted and well-written study with potential implications in patient care


Lovisa Hult-Ericson och handledare Olof Sköldenberg:

Titel: Reporting rate of adverse events to the Swedish patient insurance following hip arthroplasty

Motivering: For a well-conducted study with implications on reporting of adverse events and patient safety


Charlotte Miedel och handledare Bruna Gigante:

Titel: Pulse pressure and risk of atrial fibrillation - Results from the cohort of 60-year old men and women from Stockholm

Motivering: For a report that highlights clarity from the beginning to the very end even when null-results are obtained


Linnea Jonsson Axelsson och handledare Ida Nilsson:

Titel: The anorectic anx/anx mouse displays signs of astrogliosis in the hypothalamus

Motivering: For an elegant analysis of eating disorders using mouse models. For providing a perspective on how future studies should be done


Caroline Lindblad och handledare Jan van der Linden:

Titel: The Importance of Opioids, Coronary Angiography, and Gastrointestinal Symptoms for High On-Treatment Platelet Reactivity in Patients on Clopidogrel undergoing Coronary Angiography

Motivering: For an interesting and well-written study with potential clinical implications for patients with coronary artery disease

Diplom för bästa uppsats VT13


Diplom för bästa exjobb VT13 tilldelades följande sex studenter och handledare vid examinationshögtiden i Philadelfiakyrkan den 5 juni 2015:


Carolin Lindholm och handledare Helene Rundqvist: The effect of voluntary running on breast cancer metastasis in a mouse model of metastatic breast cancer disease 

Motivering: For a well described molecular analysis of the role of physical training in breast cancer metastasis


Frideborg Bradley och handledare Lars Smedman: Prevalence and trends of protein energy malnutrition in children under 5 years in a rural area of Uganda 

Motivering: A good illustration of how to collect data from a low-income country using basic clinical methodology and producing results demonstrating the poor nutritional situation of young children


Farzaneh Hamzei och handledare Joseph Carlson: Prognostic Factors in Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma and Undifferentiated Endometrial Sarcoma 

Motivering: For a well-powered concise and clinically useful study, improving the diagnostic precision in endometrial stromal cancer 


Karl Knoph och handledare Tomas Jernberg: The Value of Troponin Testing in Patients with Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia 

Motivering: For a highly powered well-written study demonstrating the prognostic value of determining tropinin in cases of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, indicating the need for a more thorough work-up in patients with high levels


Martin Kjellberg och handledare Anna Kähler: Impact of polygenic risk score on disease severity in patients with schizophrenia 

Motivering: For a solid scientific analysis and contribution to the understanding of the genetic components in schizophrenia 


Lisa Kogner och handledare Ronny Wickström: Anti-inflammatory macrophage therapy for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy – a study on functional outcome 

Motivering: For an elegant discussion of unexpected scientific results 

Diplom för bästa uppsats VT12


Diplom för bästa exjobb VT12 tilldelades följande fem studenter och handledare vid examinationshögtiden den 5 juni 2014:


Anton Sendel och handledare Lisa Westerberg: Autoreactivity and Impaired Diversity of T-Cells in Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein Deficiency

Motivering: För en liten men briljant translationell studie som pekar på betydelsen av ett protein, WASp, för att bibehålla immunsystemets effektivitet vid åldrande och med direkta kliniska implikationer.


Charlotte Lison och handledare Adnane Achour: Structural and functional studies of HLA-A2 in complex with multiple myeloma-associated antigens

Motivering: För en utmärkt preklinisk studie för att finna nya lösningar på angelägna problem inom kliniken, och som inom en snar framtid kan lägga grunden för nya strukturella insikter med direkt relevans för utveckling av nya läkemedel.


Elias Tullberg och handledare Rüdiger Weiss: Skeletal metastases in breast cancer patients - Patient survival and complications after surgery

Motivering: En välgjord studie om kirurgiska ingrepp utförda på bröstcancerpatienter med skelettmetastaser och som visar att kirurgi av spinala metastaser ger goda resultat med tillbakagång av neurologiska besvär.

Fanny Berger och handledare Solvig Ekblad: Papperslösas vårdsituation – en studie på Läkare i Världens klinik för papperslösa

Motivering: En välpresenterad studie om de papperslösas vårdsituation under 2011 som inkluderar intervjuer av patienter och personal, och som visar att det är svårt att på en ideell klinik med begränsade resurser tillhandahålla den vård som behövs.

Karolin Petersson och handledare Pontus Nauclér: Differences in clinical presentation in children with viral respiratory disease

Motivering: En välgjord prospektiv studie som visar att utöver den kliniska symptombilden är patientnära diagnostiska metoder viktiga för att särskilja de virus som orsakar luftvägsbesvär och för att styra behandling.

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT12


Diplom för bästa exjobb HT12 tilldelades följande sex studenter och handledare vid examinationshögtiden den 16 januari 2015:


Amanda Kerstis och handledare Lars Öhrmalm: Biomarkörer för prediktion
av orsak till feber hos vuxna neutropena patienter med hematologiska maligniteter.

Motivering: Arbetet är mycket välskrivet, med adekvata kliniska frågeställningar och
väl gjorda analyser samt samt väldisponerad bakgrund respektive diskussion


Andreas Ekström och handledare Nasim Farrokhnia: Prognostisering av antalet
akutmottagningsbesök med hjälp av Internetdata.

Motivering: Mycket välskriven och intressant studie som visar nytänk genom
användning av moderna IT-metoder


Viveca Koch och handledare Thomas Kahan: Prognostisk information av
vänsterkammarhypertrofi vid stabil angina pectoris

Motivering: För en väl illustrerad, tekniskt avancerad och statistiskt välgjord
studie med kliniskt användbara resultat


Alice Jensen och handledare Anders Björkman: Molekylär övervakning av resistens
mot artemisinin-baserad kombinationsterapi hos Plasmodium falciparum på Zanzibar

Motivering: Elegant diskussion om kliniska implikationer angående mutationer
relevanta för malaria


Axel Frisell och handledare Annelie Tjernlund: Hormonella preventivmedels
påverkan på epitelet i ectocervix och mRNA nivåerna av utvalda HIV receptorer

Motivering: Logisk framställning av ett intressant ämne relevant för vanligt
förekommande hormonella preventivmedel


Svava Steiner och handledare Karin Larsson: En möjlig roll för den kolinerga
antiinflammatoriska banan under en tidig pyelonefrit

Motivering: Mycket väl genomförd studie inom det komplicerade området sepsis

Diplom för bästa uppsats HT11


Diplom för bästa exjobb HT11 tilldelades följande fyra studenter vid examinationshögtiden den 17 januari 2014 med motivering:

Elina Thörn: Väl genomförd pionjärstudie med hög vetenskaplig kvalitet om smärtbehandling hos extremt prematurfödda barn

Elsa Nilsson: Välskriven och intressant studie som kan förklara mekanism för ökad risk för ventrombos vid konstgjord befruktning

Johanna Classon: Välgjord studie på internationellt hög nivå som identifierar ny markör för stamceller i hårfolliklar

Sadia Mirza: Välskriven studie som stärker hypotesen att cytomegalovirusinfektion kan förvärra framskridande av glioblastom
