För studenter på kursen Oral Biomedicin 1 kurskod 2TL051
Denna kurs ges på termin 1 på tandläkarprogrammet.
Kursen ges på engelska.
Kursen omfattar tre moment.
Kursen är uppdelad i tre moment:
Cell- och molekylärbiologi, 4 hp
Allmän och medicinsk kemi, 6 hp
Embryologi, 1,5 hp
Mer information om dessa moment finns i kursplanen i länken ovan.
I kursplanen kan du också hitta information om kursböcker.
Obligatorisk litteratur:
Essential cell biology,
Alberts, Bruce
Fifth edition. : W.W. Norton and Company, 2019 - 734 pages ISBN:9780393680393 LIBRIS-ID:5gf2g9ln3s6t33vl
Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry
McMurry, John; Ballantine, David S.; Hoeger, Carl A.; Peterson, Virginia E.; Madsen, Sara; Meert, Christel; Pearson, Andrew, eighth edition : Pearson, 2017 - 971 sidor ISBN:9780134015187 LIBRIS-ID:jszqwtjhgdhb6np1
OBS!! Den även finns som häftad upplaga med ISBN 9781292123462 . ISBN: 9781292123615 också funkar. Mastering Chemistry är inte nödvändigt. Köp den som är billigast.
Embryology : an illustrated colour text,
Mitchell, Barry; Sharma, R. 2. ed.. : Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, cop. 2009. - vii, 85 s. ISBN:978-0-7020-3225-7 LIBRIS-ID:11587160
This course is in English and starts Monday 23rd September at 09:00 in Jan-Åke Gustafssonsalen in Neo, Blickagången 16. It is important that you register on the course in Ladok before the 23rd in order to get access to all the course material on Canvas. The course is a mixture of recorded lectures, some live lectures and seminars. The seminars are voluntary this year and will be held on campus. Attendance is strongly recommended. There are also compulsory laboratory practicals in October and they are also on campus in Flemingsberg. The exams will also take place on campus.
Important: This course must be passed in order to progress to term 3.
Schedule is published on TimeEdit (see link below) two weeks before the start of the semester, at it latest. Please check the timetable regularly as changes can occur.
The repeat exams
The following exam dates are set:
- Moment 1: 10 oktober 2024, 08:15-12:15
- Moment 2: 6 november 2024, 14:15-19:15
- Moment 3: 13 november 2024
- Moment 3 (första omtentan): 9 december 2024, 12:00-13:00
- Moment 1 (första omtentan): 12 december 2024, 14:15-18:15
- Moment 2 (första omtentan): 23 januari 2025, 14:15-19:15
- Moment 1 (andra omtentan): 19 februari 2025, 14:15-18:15
- Moment 2 (andra omtentan): 6 mars 2025, 14:15-19:15
Only do the sections related to the ILOs that you haven’t passed already.
The dates for all the repeats exams are not finalised yet. They will take place during the spring term (VT25).
The dates for these exams will appear in Canvas and on this public course page as soon as they are finalised.
ALL students are required to register their participation for repeat examinations. Registration is normally done via Ladok.
Apply for Tillgodoräknande
If you have done a similar course before and would like to apply for Tillgodoräknande for a part or all of the course, send your application by post with all the necessary documents to our course administration at the following address: mona.wahlstrom@ki.se
Note that your application can take up to 8 weeks to process so submit it as soon as possible.
For more information on the application form and the documents you need to include in your application, open the following link:
Information to students first registered on the course September 2023 or earlier.
Contact your studievägledare for information about registering on this years course.
Contact the course coordinator Maura Heverin (maura.heverin@ki.se) or the course administrator (mona.wahlstrom@ki.se) to request access to the course on Canvas.
If you attended the compulsory seminars last year, then you do not need to attend this year. However, if you think they would help you study, then you are welcome to attend this year’s seminars.
If you completed the compulsory laboratory assignments already, then you should not attend them this year.
For embryology, if you did the presentation already, you should not do it this year. If you missed or failed the presentation, then you need to do it this year.
The exams. Look at Ladok to check what modules you have already passed and what modules you need to resit this year.
If you passed an ILO for a moment last year, it is counted this year and does needs to be repeated.
Kursanalys och kursvärdering
Kursutvärdering kommer att genomföras enligt de riktlinjer som är fastställda av Styrelsen för utbildning.

Logga in i Canvas
I lärplattformen Canvas hittar du dina aktuella kurser. Du loggar in i canvas med ditt KI-ID och lösenord.

Student på KI
Här hittar du sådant som rör dina studier och studentlivet på KI. Från studiestart och studietid - till examen och ditt framtida arbetsliv.